“No one could have been more frightened than I was before the surgery. I was nauseous for 2 days before and cried the night before. I was tempted to cancel the surgery several times. I am so glad I didn’t.

The staff at Loden Vision is amazing. They were so kind and patient and made sure I was absolutely comfortable and calm.

The procedure itself is unbelievable. Dr. Loden is very quick and gentle. He makes sure you are ok throughout the entire procedure. He tells you step by step what he is doing and what to expect next.

I still can’t beleive how good my eyesight is. I’ve had glasses for so long, it feels very strange to not need them. It is wonderful. I can’t beleive I waited so long to have this done. It was easier, quicker, and less painful than having your teeth cleaned! I would do it again in a heartbeat. And I have panic attacks if somthing gets too close to my eyes!

I would highly, highly recommend Dr. Loden and his amazing staff to anyone considering any kind of eye procedure.”

– Testimonial from Jennifer (LASIK)

“What an amazing experience! After 16 years of glasses or contacts, mere minutes changed my life. Dr. Loden and his staff are so warm and calmed my fears and alienated any frustrations immediatly. I never imagined it would be virtually pain free, quick, and have the great result so fast!

I would recommend anyone to Loden Vision. I had researched LASIK for years, watched the videos, and read the testimonials but nothing compared to the experiencing crystal-clear eyesight every morning when I open my eyes.

Thanks Dr. Loden!”

– Testimonial from Kelley (Bladeless Custom LASIK)