“First off I want to thank you for the successful surgery you performed on July 16,2010.

You and your entire team made this such an easy process for me each step of the way. The detail put into each patient before, during and after the surgery is amazing as well as very comforting. You and your staff were able to give me detailed answers about each of my questions assuring me that this procedure would answer all of my needs while also letting me know that if any other questions did come up to please call.

As you know I have slight love for the outdoors and my glasses WERE always such an issue. Glasses seem to always fog up or get something on them at the worst time and I will never have that issue again.

Please let your staff know I said thank you for all of their help as well as making this such an easy process.”

– Testimonial from John (LASIK)

Published in: on July 20, 2010 at 4:25 pm  Leave a Comment  

Look What We Found

A scrapbook of patient letters and testimonials

The letter our LVC astronaut is looking at reads:

“Dear Dr. Loden,

I am writing to commend you on one of the most professional and caring staff I have ever dealt with. After the warm greeting and helpful service from Bobbie, I was sent to the capable and comforting hands of CeCe and Billy. They were an absolute delight! After being picked up by Julie and Katie, I received constant reassurance and understanding for my nervous state.

I want to thank all of these wonderful people, as well as the lady who gave me the dog to hold, and yourself, for a job well done!

From the bottom of my heart, and my eyes, I appreciate you!

P.S. Thank you also for the check-up phone call. You epitomize the care associated with the word ‘doctor’!”

– Letter from Brooke (Lasik)

Published in: on April 13, 2010 at 3:32 pm  Leave a Comment  

-Testimonial from Mary Ellen (Cataract)

Published in: on April 5, 2010 at 6:19 pm  Leave a Comment  
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“I just wanted to stop by and say THANK YOU to all of your staff and especially Dr. Loden. You guys made this experience very easy for me and the results are AMAZING! The morning after I had the procedure, I reached for my glasses and realized, ‘I don’t need them anymore!’ I was able to see clearly the following day after the procedure and by that Sunday (2 days later), I could see EVERYTHING! People were asking me about the pain and discomfort… it was minimal. Because my babysitter canceled on me after my procedure and I had to stay up with my three year old son, I was afraid it was going to be unbearable. I was fine. It just felt like I was having an allergy all day. The next morning, that feeling was gone, and after my checkup, I was in the mall shopping!! : ) When I heard the personal message that Dr. Loden had left on my answering machine checking up on me the night of my procedure, that really confirmed what I already knew; you guys really care. I will recommend you to anyone and everyone that I know is considering LASIK. Oh, and the prices here…… UNBEATABLE!!! May God bless you all!”

– Testimonial from Makeba (LASIK)

Published in: on March 29, 2010 at 3:51 pm  Leave a Comment  
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“No one could have been more frightened than I was before the surgery. I was nauseous for 2 days before and cried the night before. I was tempted to cancel the surgery several times. I am so glad I didn’t.

The staff at Loden Vision is amazing. They were so kind and patient and made sure I was absolutely comfortable and calm.

The procedure itself is unbelievable. Dr. Loden is very quick and gentle. He makes sure you are ok throughout the entire procedure. He tells you step by step what he is doing and what to expect next.

I still can’t beleive how good my eyesight is. I’ve had glasses for so long, it feels very strange to not need them. It is wonderful. I can’t beleive I waited so long to have this done. It was easier, quicker, and less painful than having your teeth cleaned! I would do it again in a heartbeat. And I have panic attacks if somthing gets too close to my eyes!

I would highly, highly recommend Dr. Loden and his amazing staff to anyone considering any kind of eye procedure.”

– Testimonial from Jennifer (LASIK)

“What an amazing experience! After 16 years of glasses or contacts, mere minutes changed my life. Dr. Loden and his staff are so warm and calmed my fears and alienated any frustrations immediatly. I never imagined it would be virtually pain free, quick, and have the great result so fast!

I would recommend anyone to Loden Vision. I had researched LASIK for years, watched the videos, and read the testimonials but nothing compared to the experiencing crystal-clear eyesight every morning when I open my eyes.

Thanks Dr. Loden!”

– Testimonial from Kelley (Bladeless Custom LASIK)